Interior Designers | Wool Rugs | Silk | Parade Banners |
Andrea Bruley, ASID
Addison Bruley, LLC – A Design Firm“I recommend only the best…MicroSeal.” – Jonathan Quinn Barnett of JQBLTD
“I’ve known Lance LaShelle from MicroSeal for more than 12 years. Lance is always very prompt and professional, going the extra mile to take care of my clients with his wonderful product. He and MicroSeal are an excellent resource for my company.”
Blaise Bouchand
Maison de France “The Art of French Living”“MicroSeal is an amazing product that we have both used in our office and recommended to our clients. At a recent holiday party we put MicroSeal to the test when a tray of lasagna spilled down our new, custom made, white linen slip covers. To our surprise the lasagna wiped off the slip cover with no trace that it ever happened. MicroSeal saved the day! Not only is this product practical, but it is fast and very affordable. From rugs to fabric to furniture, to even clothing, MicroSeal is a life saver!”
Lisa Rachelle McDennon
LRM Interior Design
“We’ve strongly recommended MicroSeal to our yacht clientele for over 17 years”
– Sylvia Bolton of Sylvia Bolton Design
– Kim Grieff, Residential Designer, AJS Designs in Seattle kim@jmg-law.com
“Having used MicroSeal exclusively on our Gulfstream and BBJ aircraft (Boeing Business Jet) for over 15 years I was convinced we had found the finest product on the Market for protecting our aircraft’s interior. Now that I have transitioned from flying aircraft to owing a Detailing and Refurbishment Company MicroSeal was the logical choice in keeping with our commitment to supplying only the best materials and products to our Customers. GBS Design Supports the Gulfstream Luton Service Center Exclusively in London and further expansion in USA, Asia, and Africa is on the horizon, we trust our companies success to products like MicroSeal as it’s a trusted name in Aviation and a clear favorite among our customers.”
“One of the world’s largest and most prestigious aerospace companys typically installs 100% wool carpeting in their Jet Interiors. The average carpet life-time of their leased jets is 18 months. The average carpet life-time of the same leased jet with MicroSeal is close to 30 months.” – Diana S., President of SAI in Savannah, GA
“MicroSeal was originally and specifically formulated for Oriental Rugs…Whether a new purchase or after cleaning the family heirloom rug, our customers want their investment protected by a product recognized worldwide as the best.” –
Real World Testimonies
10 year testimony
In July of 2000, Susan K. (Seattle) had both of her sofas MicroSealed (back and pillows are 100% silk, seat decks are 100% wool). The sofas sat in the same solarium of her High-Rise downtown Seattle Condomium for over 10 years. “I was so impressed at how our sofa’s had not faded, that I called Lance again to MicroSeal our recently installed furnishings including all of the wall to wall 100% Wool carpeting“ (Below photos of 10 year old sofa taken 12-13-10):
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12 year testimony
“Twelve years ago I had my 70% silk (and the rest poly-cotton) blend sofa MicroSealed. We allowed this beautiful delicate sofa, believe it or not, to be used constantly by our children and their friends! I remember easily wiping up coffee spills during their teenage years. Not once did I need to have it professionally cleaned. Other than minimal sun fading on a few small areas, the sofa looked new even after twelve years of heavy use! After our children moved out, I did have the sofa re-upholstered to match our new decor and of course had all of the new furnishings MicroSealed. I highly recommend MicroSeal to my friends and clients” – Kim Grieff, Residential Designer, AJS Designs in Seattle kim@jmg-law.com
Dear MicroSeal,

I just wanted to write and tell you how totally in love we at Vernal City are with your product. We have seen dramatic results in how it protects our Vernal City banners from dirt (it just cleans off so well) and Ultra Violet rays (the colors don’t fade).Vernal City maintains $140,000 worth of banners in our banner program which we rotate through the various seasons of the year in the business district. For a number of years I tried without success to convince the city to move away from using the vinyl banners (which we hated for a number of reasons) to the fabric digital print. Our banner distributors warned us over and over that we would love the fabric digital print banners when they first arrived but would not be happy with their long-term performance. This was because although the digital print is vibrant and beautiful when first made, the ultra-violet effects of the sun causes them to fade very quickly when compared with screen print vinyl, and the fabric (unlike Vinyl) catches and holds the dirt so the banners wear fast and don’t clean up very well by comparison.
Both of these problems were solved once I found MicroSeal. I then was able to convince the city to purchase one seasonal set of beautiful fabric banners for the down town section of our city as a test run. We then had the banners MicroSealed before they ever went out into the elements the first time. The result was so overwhelming that today the only kind of banners Vernal City buys are the fabric digital print. The MicroSeal does such a great job of protecting them we now get all the positive qualities the fabric digital prints have to offer with none of the negative as they are out-shinning and out-lasting the vinyl banners by far. Never at any time have I found any discoloring of the fabric or other problems associated with the applying of MicroSeal on our banners. Every outcome has been positive.
Now each time someone from another city calls or talks to me wanting to know how we make the fabric banners work so well I tell them about MicroSeal and that anyone would be foolish to even think about trying them unless they were willing to protect them with MicroSeal from the start.
I’m sure that people think I sound like I am a salesman for MicroSeal but I don’t care, I really believe in this product and what it can do to protect from the natural destructive forces of nature. I just tell it like it is.
Thanks MicroSeal for making a product that really does do everything you say it will.
Glade Allred
Street Superintendent
Vernal City
78 North 500 East
Vernal, Utah 84078